I am soooo excited! I have been keeping this a secret for a while now, but a while back, I submitted a font that I designed to Creating Keepsakes, and they chose it to make into a font for the scrapNfonts website. Cool, hey? You can check out my font, "CK Taliatype" here...I hope to see you scrapbookers using it on your pages! Hehe! I used it for the writing on the above card...so weird to see my writing as a font. Kinda fun.
As usual, I've just been busy busy. I'm finally getting things a little better organized on my new computer...it's so different and it's taking me a while to re-learn everything...hopefully I'll be a pro soon. So I'm going a little cross-eyed right now, I've been sitting looking at the computer screen for hours. It's definately time for bed!
I did have a good day, though...I got a pedicure tonight which was so relaxing. If it didn't cost so much I would get them all the time! Nice to be pampered a little bit. And has anyone been watching "So You Think You Can Dance"??? Ah, I freakin' love that show. Donyelle, Travis and Benji are my faves. They are just so amazing. AAAahhh! So glad I still have another month of viewing pleasure.
Anyways, I'm honestly going to pass out if I don't get to bed NOW...I need to take advantage of the fact that I get to sleep thru the whole night. Not much longer till I'm up all the time! Craziness! Catch ya later.
you have a font!!!!! that is so cool. I love it-- can't wait to add it to my collection. Sweet.
you made a font?? that's crazy tal...really cute though!! what a talented sister i have! love ya,
- niki
that is SO cute!! congrats on getting your own font!! :D
i hope that you have a restful couple more weeks!
good luck with all of your future endevours!
Very cool!
I love your font - your handwriting is a perfect font... I enjoyed reading your blog!
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