So we got home from Montana yesterday, and I am exhausted...funny how a vacation can do that to you, hey? Hehe. We had a great time at the lake with both of our family's and I had so many pictures to share that i didn't even know where to begin...so I posted them here for those who want to take a look. Gabby is growing and Payton is BUSY.... she kept us all very entertained. She's learning new words (and coming up with her own as well!) so we had lots of good laughs. I love this picture of Payton and daddy in the boat...totally captures how much fun Payton was having and how enamored daddy is with his little girl.
So now I am home and trying to get my life organised. We are in the middle of some renovations in our house, so needless to say it is a disaster...awesome new floors, but now there's tons of painting and reorganising to be done. It'll be awesome when it's all finished, but for the time being I am living in chaos....and I miss my bathroom sink and countertop...2 things I never really appreciated till they were gone! And of course, we are crunched for time. There are always other things coming up...Gabby is being blessed on Sunday, we're having a big family brunch for it. Then we have a funeral on Monday for Graham's grandpa and I leave for Phoenix on Wednesday for Creative Escape (another scrapbooking weekend). AAaahhhh! I guess it's the rule that everything happens at once. So I'm trying to take deep breaths and just do as much as I can. I'll be away from the computer again for a while, but thanks for stopping by!
I guess the summer is officially over...
Glad you're back! And cute pictures!
cute pics baby! you're renovating your house?? you cwazy!
- niki
Summer won't be over in Phoenix, though!!
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