Anyone else feelin' it? After watching our church's conference on TV this morning, our little family went for a walk and took some pictures. It was such a nice day...i love the chilly, fresh air. I wish fall lasted longer, it always seems like we only have a few weeks of it and then, bam, it's winter. So anyways, here are some fun shots from this morning. I love Sundays like this...Gray made the best breakfast...homemade waffles with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries...yum!! And then we just all hung out in our pj's all morning. Graham is so busy with work during the week that I treasure the times when it's the 4 of us together.
Been so busy with these 2 little ones of mine. Payton is just a jabber-mouth. She's starting to repeat words and her fave thing to say lately is "dada"...needless to say, that makes her daddy very happy. And Gabby's been sick with a cold and an ear infection...even so, she is such a good baby. She's starting to sleep a little longer at night between feeds, so I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...maybe I'll be getting more sleep in the near future?? I'm sure as long as I'm a mama, I'll just always be tired. Isn't that the way it is?
I went out on Friday night with my 2 best friends, Kim and A and it was just so awesome. It is always so great to get together with the girls...to eat, laugh, TALK, and catch up. I feel so lucky that I have these 2 friends that I KNOW I will ALWAYS be friends with. We have so many years as friends under our belts already that there's no way we could drift apart. My favorite part of our nights together is our "car talk" at the end of the night...we usually go out to eat and then to Starbucks for hot chocolate and we can never seem to just say "bye!" and go home. No matter what, we always sit in the car for like 45 minutes afterwards just chatting away about who knows what. We have done this ever since high school...I love car talk...that's when we have our most hillairious conversations. Love you girls.
Well, I'm going cross-eyed at the computer right now, must be my cue to get to bed. Check out some of my latest stuff here if you feel like lookin'. Catch ya'll later!!
supercute photos, talia! i'm lovin' fall right now, the last few days have been so beautiful, i just love it!
such cute pics. too bad it's still 90 degrees here, or i'd take some of molls outside too!! but we'll see you guys there soon. love ya babes-
- niki
Cute pics Tal! Glad you got some fall photos before all the leaves were gone. It looks like my fall photos won't be happening this year...thanks to the boys!
tal i love this pic of the family. looks like a great day. you are so stinkin creative, i love it. i sent you a comment already but did not leave my name. it is the one thanking you for the pic of gabby.sounds like you and kim had fun on your trip. talk to you soon. again always great pics sunshine. love ya cheryl
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