Well, I have to admit, these past two weeks have not been fun. The girls have been sick with croup (sp?) and Gabby has an ear infection and then I woke up on Saturday morning with a cold...but things are looking up. I think we're all at the end of our "sicknesses"...now it's time to get back to normal life! We've been in this house for 2 weeks straight besides going to the doctor, so I'm feelin' a little bit of cabin fever. But I'm glad this happened when it did so we can all just be happy and healthy for Christmas. Speaking of which, I can't believe how quickly that holiday is coming up...I still have stuff to do but I'm trying not to be stressed about it. I'll get everything done when I can get it done...that's all I can do!
I just wanted to share a few pics of the girls from this month...me and my sick little Gabby, the girls and Grandma Terry, playing in Payton's bed, and then Pay in front of the tree the other night...she was totally hamming it up for me, saying "cheese" and everything. She's definately a little character!
Have a good night!
such cute pictures tal! i'm glad everyone's feeling better. and i think you need to grow out payton's bangs cause she looks super adorable in that last pic!! talk to you soon babes,
- niki
Cute pictures! Your girls are adorable!
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