Okay, so I am a picture takin', photo-editing maniac lately! My sister took Payton out for lunch yesterday and I took the chance I had to get some pictures of Gabby on her *6 month* birthday!! It was so fun...but hard to take pics of this little munchkin! She's pretty squirmy and just kept rolling all over the place, but I managed to get some ones that I love. Oh how I love my little girls!! And Gabby got to celebrate her half-birthday yesterday with some yummy, baby food apples for supper....she was very cute trying to eat them, but totally enjoyed it. I can't believe she's already 6 months old! Crazy.
It's been another busy week since I blogged last...my closet was driving me crazy, so last Thursday I totally cleaned it out and got rid of 4 GARBAGE BAGS of clothes!! It was so liberating and so nice to get rid of so much stuff...I'm all about keepin' it simple lately. I challenge anyone who's reading this to get rid of those clothes that you just don't wear anymore...chances are, if you haven't worn something in the past 6 months, you won't be missin' it when it's gone. And the funny thing is, I still have a closet FULL of clothes...only now it's just full of stuff that I actually wear.
Today has been a funny day...I'm embarrassed to admit that I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon while Gabby was sleeping. My mom took Payton to her house to play (all Payton says to me latley is "I want play Nana's house") and when gabby went to sleep I totally crashed. It was heaven...I don't think I've had a nap that long since I was pregnant with Gabby. It was lovely.
I've done some scrapping this week and I worked on my "Year to Remember" calendar. I love escaping down to my room to play...and Gray is so great about giving me the time to do that. Check out some of my new layouts here and my calendar here.
Did I mention how much I love these pictures of Gabby???
omg! SHE IS TOOOOO STINKIN CUTE!!! treasure every second they get big and 3 in the flash of an eye :;sniff: so swweeet! She looks like she loves the camera also :grin:
Freakin adorable as always!
I don't even know you, yet I don't even know what to say to you anymore. Your girls are so gorgeous, well, it's insane. And you do a great job of photographing them! :)
Checked out your LO's, so cute!! I love it! I think I will work on my calender. Your girls are so beautiful! I want a girl!
Gabby is beautiful - so is Payton:) These photos should give you TONS to scrapbook. So cute.
Your calendar is fantastic. Isn't AYTR just the best? I'm loving it.
Okay, so I hit "return" before I was finished with my last comment. So sorry.
As I was saying, the class is fantastic, Heidi is so wonderful, I'm just loving it.
that kid is freaking gorgeous!! love her!!!
- niki
your calender has come up beautifully. Mine just arrived a couple of days ago (im in australia) so i have to get on and complete it. Love your photos - i have 3 girls, they are wonderful to photograph! how is your goal coming along?
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