I can't believe it. We took these pictures of Kherington when she was 2 weeks old, and now she is almost 3 weeks old! AAAaaahhh! Time is going by waaaay too quickly. I feel like my baby is getting so big and so old already...*sniff*! I always have a hard time when my babies grow...even though I love every stage, I just loooove newborns. At least she is still teeny-tiny. Sleeping and eating like crazy, but still my teeny little baby.
Someone asked me if the novelty of the baby has worn off for Payton and Gabby and the answer is NO...they are in love with her and are ALWAYS wanting to kiss, hug and hold her. Of course that makes me happy, but I find myself being the referee quite often, too. Oh, funny little girls. Love love love them all.
I really don't have anything else to report right now. We're just enjoying Kherington and I am loving taking it easy. Who cares if none of us get dressed till 2pm, right? It's spring break this week and we have no major plans other than going to the mall tomorrow to take the girls on some rides and wander around for a while. Good enough for me!!
Have a great week,
Tal :)
I love the newborn stage too. . .those pics give me baby fever big time! Soooo melt-my-heart-adorable! =) I have four, but I feel so sad to think that we're done. . especially when I see those kind of photos! Glad you're enjoying each stage. What blessings!
oops! I signed in w/my hub's account! Just don't want you to think some strange guy is stalking your blog! Heehee! Here's mine
www.amberzimm.blogspot.com =)
She is too adorable - my youngest just turned 2 and I keep thinking we should've just had "one more!!" I love the photos with the paci in her mouth - how HUGE the paci seems when they are sooo small...it's tooo cute! Seeing other tiny beings, so makes me miss the newborn, snuggly, cuddly stage!! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
So things are exactly as they should be in your house then (getting dressed at 2pm, nothing else to report...). Excellent. :)
She is so adorable!! So very alert and bright eyed :) :)
she is soooooo stinkin' cute tal!!! LOVE her! love you too:)
sooo cute! amazing photog skills as well!!!!
how do you do those black photos?? cute, too!
Beautiful photos. SO precious. Did your hubby take some of those? He is very talented, as are you!
Tal she is sooooo super cute! And I am soooooo jealous of all her gorgeous dark hair!
gorgeous photos ... enjoy this time, my baby is 4 years now and I am grieving for the time gone already!
luv chanel
I miss the newborn stage so much! I honestly now just need my youngest to start kindergarden! But sometimes I so wish he was weeks old again
GORGEOUS blog banner.
LOVE the colors in it, so vintage.
What a beautiful babe!!! And I love the name you chose for her! Congratulations!!!! :D
gorgeous pictures!!!! She is a cutie! love the name!
Great pics Talia... you must be lovin the new little one! I think sh e is a real blend of the looks of both Gabby and Payton!
Take care...
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