Just some random thoughts as we're adjusting to this new and wonderful life with baby Kherington...
-I'd forgotten how much time you spend on the couch and in bed when you have a newborn. Catching up on TV shows while the baby eats, then cuddle time after that. I love it.
-The big girls are adjusting amazingly well (knock on wood). I didn't really know what to expect, but they are in love. Payton always wants to hold the baby (she's good at it, too!) and Gabby calls her "my baby" and always wants to "help" when I'm nursing.
-Kherington is the champion sleeper. I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts.
-I can't believe how much I love this little one already. She is just so absolutely perfect. I love these early days...I want her to stay like this forever.
-My big girls seem very BIG. Makes me sad, but I'm proud of them at the same time for how much love they've shown their new sister. Everyone is trying to find their place.
-Diaper changes are always an adventure. Again, I'd forgotten just how much babies poop..and just when you clean them up, they poop again!!
-I'm feeling surprisingly mellow. Just trying to go with the flow and enjoy this new baby and this time in our lives.
-Probably wouldn't be feeling so mellow if it weren't for all the help my mom and sister have been giving me. Thank you.
-I could sit and stare at Kherington all day long. Every little sound, facial expression and movement is so exciting. I'm sure all of you mama's feel the same way!
-Remembering life with my other two babies as we adjust to this baby...diapers, blankets, nursing, teeny little outfits, soothers, lack of sleep...it's amazing how quickly we're back in baby mode, and how it's exactly the same as with the other two. So cool.
-Not quite sure how I'll ever get anywhere on time again with 3 kids. We'll see how that goes when the time comes.
-Still not used to being a family 5. That seems like a really big number right now!
-Kherington just reminds me soooo much of my other two when they were babies. Gabby's coloring, but Payton's nose. And so very cute.
To sum it all up, I'm just so happy. I'm feeling really good so far, and just doing my best to spread myself 3 ways and enjoy my kids. And thank goodness for daddy...he's the quiet one that's holding us all together, and doing the dishes, too! I'm so grateful that Kherington is here, and healthy and happy...we all survived the 9 months, and now it's a new beginning. We love her so much.
Off to get some sleep.
Tal xo
P.S. And thank you so much to all of you for your sweet comments and congrats on our new baby girl! I love my blogging friends, I was very overwhelmed at all the comments. Thank you!
she is so sweet. It brings back memories for me of that time ... my baby is 4 years old now! enjoy every minute it goes so quick. You sound like you are ... love seeing all the pics
luv chanel
Ah your little ones look so happy and cute, too! sounds like the new addition to the family is settling in nicely... love all your pics and your blog, too...
take care... keep enjoying it all!
Diane R.
So happy for you guys.
I'm always late and I only have one. :D
ahhh!!! she's so adorable - that little face and that hair! i want to hold her so bad!! big hugs and kisses from us!! we love you.
I'm soooo glad you put some new pics up!! She already looks soooo different. I love her :) What a beautiful baby! Enjoy everything...and I'm glad to hear the girls are doing good. Can't wait to see you guys soon.
she is absolutely perfect! I love her little facial expressions and all that hair!! congrats to you all!
Congratulations Talia, she is adorable and I am amazed how much she looks like Gabby??? I think.
Enjoy every minute as you say time goes so fast and pretty soon she will be 4yrs old.
Take care and thanks for sharing your life with us
Sylvia Urbina
Grande Prairie
AHH! I hadn't heard! I check your blog from time to time to see all the neat things you are up to and I saw the title of this one and I thought you were referring to 'so you think you can dance'. She has a very pretty name. She absolutely belongs to you guys. She looks just like you all. But, maybe you guys should spread the love around and share all that hair with those of us who have babies with no hair until the age of 2.
She is SO cute Talia. I think she looks JUST like Graham in some of those pictures. Spittin' image. I am amazed at how well you sound. I find the first 2 months to be SO HARD. Or maybe you were just having a good day - it IS hard.
TAKE CARE!! Enjoy this little wee one!!
Tal she's AWESOME! I can't believe how grown up Payton and Gabby look holding her! Soooo happy that you're feeling so good, take care!
she looks like she's been there all along. so glad everyone is settling in and getting adjusted. osh loves seeing pics of payton and gabby. he gets so excited. and you're right, 5 does sound like a big number. crazy. you'll make it look easy! xo, jody
This is such a precious time, isn't it?? :) :) So glad you are all doing well! :)
She is simply precious... congratulations. I enjoyed following your pregnancy on the blog. It sure did go quick on our end,lol! I have 3 also but mine are all boys. You will sleep through the night again and you will all make it out of the house on time-- it's just gonna take a little time. Good luck!
OH Talia congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of little Kherington! I just love her name and the different way of spelling it, and I my gosh I don't think I've ever seen a baby with so much hair, She is beautiful. Enjoy!
Brenda Magliacane
Lovely photos of your baby! Adorable to see all of them together having fun (even the baby, lol...)
What a joy! ENjoy!
Glad to see that you are doing so well with your new baby girl. Your family is so precious and I am so happy for you.
She is so beautiful and I am happy for you. You are so lucky, I love having girls, they are so fun!!
I want another one!!
congrats on your new beautiful girl!! she is GORGEOUS! and I was scrolling through your blog and that nursery is FABULOUS! wow, girl!!
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