She takes my breath away.
I needed to see this picture tonight. After a day where there were some not-so-angelic moments.
She tries so hard, and is honestly such a good girl. But she is 5. (And even though I may not want to admit it, she is very much like her mother at times...she comes by her sassy behaviour honestly.)
I am so lucky to have this little gal in my life. She is so bright and smart and happy and sweet and fun. She's also sensitive and worries and loves to be loved and accepted. She is a daughter of God and I am blessed to be her mama. She makes me so very proud. And even though my role as a mom is hard, she makes it so very worth it.
Love you, sweet girl.
She is a real beauty <3
she is beautiful!
amazing post Talia. :)
will make fabulous journaling for her next scrapbook page! she will treaure this message when she is older for sure. you are a wonderful mama!
Beautifully put! she is a beauty like her momma, too!
Talia, She is stunning. You have such a sweet family. I'm amazed at all the fun creative ideas you come up with too. It is so impressive all that you do.
I was hoping I could ask a big favour of you, would mind forwarding Niki's email address to me...our computer crashed before I could log into her blog (awhile back) and I no longer have her email. Thank you so much.
Say hi to your family for me too!! It has been so long since I last saw all of you! Hope everyone is doing great --L
Oh she's just beautiful!! What a sweet little girl :) I still remember holding her as a tiny little baby. Where does the time go? xox
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