Monday, May 31, 2010

random blogging...

Man, I've been busy. Packing up a house is no easy task. Throw on top of that a 1, 3 and 5 year old...well, you get the idea!

Instead of complaining about how busy I am and how I have no time for anything, I thought I'd just post a few random pretty pictures instead. I took a walk with the girls one rare, sunny morning and snapped these pictures...I hope that spring or summer or whatever season it's supposed to be will come to stay SOON!

We are getting very excited for summer and for our "new house". (You know how when you're in the process of moving you talk about the "new house" constantly...haha!) Gabby's done playschool for the year and dancing will be done in a couple weeks...after that I feel like we're home free! I can't wait to get everything packed up and done so we can enjoy our summer and have some fun with no'll be good.

Speaking of the moving, I'll have to post some pictures of my current house soon, too. We thought we would be here for longer, but things just worked out in a different it's all good. My corner jacuzzi tub in my new bathroom will make everything okay. (heehee!)

I'll be back soon (I hope) with a little house tour and some random pictures of what we've been up to...but for now, hop on over to my 365 blog to see some new pics. Happy Monday!!



Sarah said...

Gorgeous photos, they look like paintings!

Hope your move goes well :)

Kamry Low said...

Oh I can't wait to see pictures of the new house! so exciting getting a new house. Packing and unpacking is not fun but a new house is so fun! I also can't wait for the garage sale. I swear I'll be first in line!

Anonymous said...

those pictures are beautiful!

good luck on's such a pain, yet exciting that you get to decorate again :)

Kim said...

love the could frame those :) Good luck with the move. If you need help let us know. We're totally available.

Jamie said...

Those pictures are beautiful and I hope the move goes smoothly for you. Take care!

Anonymous said...

moving. yuck. excited to hear all about the new place, though. love the pics on the 365 blog. the one in the mall is hilarious! such a great capture of all the different personalities in your family! makes us remember how much we miss you guys. xo, jody

Lindsay Bateman said...

good luck with your move!!! :)
LOVE the photos, so ZEN!

Amber said...

I love the vintage painting editing effect you used on these photos! How did you do it?