Tuesday, January 17, 2012

a photo a day | 2012

Well, my brand new Photo-a-Day Blog is up and running and ready for your viewing pleasure! I've been busy busy on my computer since last night getting it all set up and ready to go...I've already had so much fun going through all the pictures I've taken this month so far. I can't believe that this is my third year taking my daily photos...it truly has become such a normal part of our daily lives, I can't imagine that I'll be stopping this anytime soon.

Some of you may be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, and where this "photo a day" or "project 365" idea came from. The master-mind behind this whole concept is Becky Higgins and you can learn all about it here. Whether you want to take a photo every single day, or just get all those old photos into albums, she's come up with a concept that can work for everyone. She's created and designed gorgeous "Project Life" products that can work for you and whatever approach you want to take.

Personally, I have taken the "daily photo" approach. I know that this really scares some people and they don't know how it is possible, but here's the thing: if you want to do it, just do it. Taking pictures every single day has made me so much more aware of my little family and all of the simple and mundane things we do everyday. These are the moments that define us and make us who we are. Not only the big moments, like birthdays and dance recitals, but the everyday moments, like naps and potty-training and dr's appointments and owie's, etc, etc, etc. Taking these photos is totally possible, you just have to get into the habit of doing it. One thing that has made my whole approach easier and more do-able is my iphone. My phone is always with me, so I always have a way of taking a quick snapshot here and there...it is often those little snapshots that are my favorites!

So if you're on the fence about this whole "Project Life" business, I say...do it. You will never regret having taken pictures of your family and your life. :)

And while we're at it, here are a few links to help get you inspired:

Rebecca Cooper's Everyday Photo Checklist.

Gorgeous Project Life Inspiration by Liz Tamanaha.

More amazing inspiration by Cathy Zielske.

Join the Project Life Community for free at Big Picture Classes.

And of course, visit Becky's blog daily for inspiration, ideas, updates and more!

Okay, so there's my Project Life, or Project 365, or Photo-a-Day "plug" for you all! (heehee) It's not too late to get started for 2012...like I said, for me it is fun, theraputic, and important for my little family. I'm almost done my 2011 album, and it is so amazing to see a year's worth of memories all put together in our gorgeous album. The kids love it, and we have so much fun looking back on our pictures, and just seeing how things have changed over the year. So many memories captured. :)

So I hope you'll take a peek at my photo-a-day blog now and then to see what we are up to. And if you have a 365 blog that you'd like to share with everyone, please leave me a link in the comments below so I can add it to my sidebar!

Good night!!



  1. such cuties...i miss you all!!! so wishing i could give all the kiddos some hugs. (sniff sniff)

  2. Alright.....you have inspired me!! I have totally been on the fence about this one, but SO want to....I even made the blog and everything (and oddly enough picked the exact same background as you) and have been reluctant to make it official because of the commitment....so thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. Hey Talia,

    I'm glad you're doing Project Life again this year! I always like looking through your photos & getting inspired.

    I started doing it in 2009 & I just love it! Here's the link to my new blog for the year:



  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your dedication to this project is inspirational. What an awesome gift for your family!

  6. Hi Talia!

    I deleted my comment above. Decided not to do Project Life after all. I still plan on checking out all of your cute photos though!
