I gotta say, I love decorating for Valentine's Day...pink and red and hearts...oh, my! When I saw this banner by Rebecca from Simple as That, I got to work. It has been soooo long since I've properly scrapbooked or made much in the way of cute projects, so it was nice to get out some paper and scissors and cut and play. Thank you, Rebecca for the inspiration and the motivation!
After I finished this banner and hung it up I decided it was so cute that I made another one for our mantle and then I made yet another one for my sister...I just love the mix of the vintage book papers with the pink and red hearts...so so cute!! And believe it or not, I added some hearts to twigs to put on my mantle as well, and then I saw this post of Rebecca's...mine are purely decorative, but I love that she's using hers to write love notes to their family members...I'll have to keep that in mind for next year!!
We also had a little birthday party for Payton on the weekend, and since our house was already half-decorated, we went with a Valentine's theme for her party and I loved how it turned out!! It was sooooo easy to throw together since there's so much in the way of Valnetine's stuff in the stores right now. The girls did some v-day crafts and coloring, played human tic-tac-toe, decorated a valentine's frame and of course, had some heart-shaped cake.
So cute! I love how festive your house looks! And I heart Valentines day! What great ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!
soooo pretty Talia! :) :)
Talia! I don't know you, but I've loved your blog for a long time! I love your crafts, your photography and design style! I especially dig that quilt you often have in pictures on the couch! So, in an effort to be less stalker-y, I thought I'd comment! :) You are very talented and I love this banner!
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