So as I had mentioned before, Kim and I headed down to Montana this past weekend to take some classes from our good friend and amazing scrapbooker, Heidi Swapp. It was so much fun to just sit and scrapbook and visit. I totally needed this little getaway! I missed my family like crazy, but we were back in no time, and I actually have some projects to show for it! They are empty right now, mind you, but I just came home from Costco today with a bazillion pictures that I got developed, so I hope to fill these soon!
So this first project is entitled "Time & Season" and Heidi focused on the fact that we are all in different seasons of our lives, and those seasons inevitably change for each and every one of us. This project is supposed to highlight the "time and season" that we are in right now. For me, it is a time of diapers, driving, little sleep, sippy-cups, soothers, bottles, a messy house...but also a time of laughs and love and fleeting moments with my kids that I'll never get back. Really made me think about how lucky I am to have what I have right now, and to not take this time in my life as a young mother for granted.

This next cute project was one that we whipped up in no time. A little wall-hanging to countdown to any special event...birthdays, anniversary's, holidays, whatever! So cute! I already want to make one for Halloween and Christmas!

On Saturday morning we made this "Family Memories" album. I am so excited about it because it's designed to house just tons of photos and journaling. I'm planning on jam-pcking mine with pictures from this summer. I can't wait! (It was so much fun to paint the front and back covers...my hands haven't been dirty with paint in a while!!)

And last but not least was the "Once in a Lifetime" project. My favorite for sure. Everyone was in their element during this class. This was Heidi's project that she taught at Creative Escape this year so I am sooooo excited that I got the chance to do it! She totally designed all the pieces for it and had everything made in China, so these projects themselves are a "Once in a Lifetime" thing! Anyways, the premise behind this project was to recognize the fact that every experiance in our life, every trip, every milestone, every moment...is a once in a lifetime experience. I tend to take the little things in life for granted, so I was grateful to take a step a back and reflect upon my own personal "once in a lifetime" experiences. Not sure what photos I'll be putting in this pretty yet, but I'll come up with something!

So there you have it. Thank you Heidi and Kim for an awesome weekend! We went shopping to Target, sang to our ipods, ate, had facials from Heidi, scrapbooked, talked, talked and TALKED. It was so much fun. Till next time, right Kim?
agghh....LOVE them all!!! So happy you and Kim got a chance to have some girl/scrap time! Your projects are beautiful, they gave me goosebumps. So happy you had a chance to make the "once in a lifetime" project...is it NOT just the most beautiful project ever? I absolutely LOVE those buttons, and the cute flower clip.Pure genious. I haven't had a chance to fill mine with pictures yet, but SOON hopefully! Thank you for sharing such an AWESOME look at your projects. xo
fun! i love the first project especially. beautiful!
Great pics of all the classes!! I love them all...and I just got a million pics developed too! Haha!! Gotta fill up those books. Thanks for the great time. It was so nice to get away and have some girl time. Luv ya!
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