Now let's not forget about Little Miss Sassy-Pants...Kherington Gray.
Okay, where oh, where do I begin when it comes to my crazy- cute 2 year old? Let's start off by saying she's full of spunk, sass and life. This girl always has us laughing and is developing quite the personality. While she's shy with people at first, once she warms up there's no stopping her personality and cuteness. We are learning that she loooooves to sing and dance. She sings "twinkle twinkle little star" in her own language on a daily basis...at the top of her lungs and with actions and all. She loves the movie "Tangled" and sings along with it, too...it is so funny. I think sometimes Graham and I forget that she's getting a little older...she's been our baby for 2 years and it's hard to believe those days will soon be coming to an end! We just recently moved her into her "big girl bed" and she has done so well...she thinks it's funny to come to her door with all of her pillows and blankets, but it's usually pretty easy to get her right back into bed. Oh, and she loves all of her baby-dolls...she is always carting one around. And she's very particular when it comes to tucking them in at night...everything has to be just so before she goes to sleep. Again...she's so funny! While 2 can be a challenging age, it certainly makes up for it in cuteness.
We just love our little princess. Her big sisters are totally enamoured with her, as are mommy and daddy. I don't think there is anything in the world that melts a parents heart more than hearing their little ones say "mama" and "daddy" clear as a bell...she definately has daddy wrapped around her little finger! Honestly, I could go on and on...she just brings so much happiness to our family, I don't know what we would do without her! I can't wait to see her be a big sister to her "boy baby" as she calls him...we love you, KK. *mwah*!!!
1 comment:
hee hee. those pics are awesome. you just can't not smile looking at that little cutie pie. oh i can't wait to hear all the fun stories of her big sister moments! any day now!! xo, jodes
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