Wednesday, June 29, 2011

crew's baby announcements

One thing I've always loved doing is baby announcements. These were Crew's. Simple and fun. I also did up a coordinating little thank-you card for all those people who were sweet enough to give us gifts. We've been so spoiled! The announcement is 5x7" and the thank you card is 4x6" and I just wrote personal messages on the back. I had them printed at Costco and loved how they turned out! (the cute baby definately helps...heehee.) I still have a handful that need to be mailed...that is on my to-do list for next week!

For now, we are off to pick up Payton from her last day of school. Whoo-hoo! Here's to SUMMER!!!



Rachel said...

I love these!

me said...

awwww-so sweet! cute design. cuter boy! xo

Lindsay Bateman said...

these are so adorable. love the "star" detail. he is gorgeous. did you do the photography? if so...utterly FABULOUS! xox

Talia said...

lindsay...i did take these pictures. i need to share more!!