Sunday, June 26, 2011

the simple things

This week Kherington's little 2 year old toesies made me smile. The red polka-dot dress. The pink nail polish. Just a simple little moment after her nap that made me happy. Love this crazy girl.



jamie w said...

awww. how do you get her to sit still long enough to paint her toes? i want to paint zoe's so bad but she doesnt even let me clip her nails let alone try to take time to paint them haha.

Kelly said...

LOVE! The toes and the red polkadot dress!

rebecca said...

sooooo adorable Talia! :) love it that you're linking up each week!! I hope things are going well for you and those four kiddos! Rebecca

EMily said...

Those little toes are soooo cute!

Unknown said...

What a precious girl, such cute toes. Great capture!