Friday, November 25, 2005

the list...

And the list goes on and on and on... even as I'm sitting here typing I'm thinking of like, 5 things I forgot to write down. AAAaaaaahhhh! There seriously aren't enough hours in the day. I have so much to, so much. (deep breaths, Talia, deep breaths.)


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling... if I sat down right now to make a to do list, it would probably be several pages long! It's almost more overwhelming that way... so I'm just trying to do as much as I can.

Anonymous said...

December has to be the craziest month ever!!! I haven't made a list for fear that I'd cry just looking at how long it is! And because of that, I know I'll forget a ton of stuff....oh well. Your handwriting is so stinkn' cute, by the way! ;)