So over the past few weeks I've actually got a lot of scrapbooking done...some of my favorite pages ever!! I just had a hard time sharing with Gray being away and stuff. So here is one of my favorite layouts. It's another 9x9 page, I really am addicted to this size! It's fast and easy and totally not overwhelming...I love it! Check out some more pages here...I think I have like 7 or 8 new layouts to look at!!
It's been great having Gray home...it's amazing how quickly I've slipped back into depending on him to help me out...so pathetic, I know. When I was on my own for that week with the girls I somehow managed to do everything...and now that he's back I just seem to need his help. Oh, well, that's what Daddy's are for, right?
So, it's time to crack down and get Payton potty-trained...we've been using the potty with her since the beginning of November so she totally knows what it's all about...it's just time to enforce it for real. I just haven't been able to commit which means we've had good weeks and bad with "going on the potty"...but it is time. She is such a little girl now, definately too much of a person to be walking around with a daiper. And I'm sick of changing 'em! And daipers for 2 are expensive! So....we have the Dora panties on today, I figure, no daipers or pull-ups while we're at home...how else will she learn? So PLEASE.....if anyone has ANY suggestions or advice for potty-training, I would LOVE to hear them. Honestly! This is no time to read this and not make a comment if you have something to share...hehe! I really just have no idea what I'm doing...I'd love to hear feedback from mommies who have already done this. Wish me luck!!
Here's my only potty training advice...(i've only done it once so far) but for my little girl, i made her a potty chart and took her to wal-mart to pick out a toy. (She picked a Princess Doll.) Then we put the doll on top of the fridge and the chart on the fridge and everytime she went, she got a sticker...(sometimes she got a couple of stickers to keep her motivated) and then when the chart was full, she got the doll. Sometimes you just need to find what motivates them and each kid is different.
First off, your layouts are soooo cute! Your kids are adorable!! And for potty trainng, with my girls I definately didn't use pull ups at home (I didn't use pullups at all actually) Basically I had to be the one to say toilet time (every hour or so) and then eventually she started telling me when it was time to go. Some people use a smartie for everytime they go, but that didn't fly with my kids, they wanted the whole box!! good luck, I hope it goes well. Anne
Sorry, I had to delete the comment above b/c I was signed in as my husband...anyway, what I said was I love your layouts that you've recently posted on 2 peas. The one above is my favorite. So cute! You have an awesome style - thanks for sharing your layouts with us!
OK -- as a Mama of 3 (now ages 10, 7 & 5) I had my babies potty-trained by 18mo (morning & NIGHT!!) except for my little boy in the middle... he was about 22 mo. ANYWAY -- we followed (for the most part) the book "how to potty-train in less than a day) HONESTLY -- IT WORKS. Cole's note version {LOL} -- once you start you are IN IT -- do not go back. Diapers are gone (except for naps & bed at the beginning). If you slip a diaper on then you're going to have trouble. Yes, you will have the odd accident (but after about a week, you'll be done!) so pick a time when you're not leaving on holidays or have fancy dinners & outings. THEN... you get a dolly that pees. :) You take an ENTIRE day -- stock up on salty treats/snacks & a wide assortment of drinks -- yes, even the ones you typically DON'T let them have ;-) Slurpees were a hit (i know, i know at 1-1/2 - crazy!!) You want them to have to go potty lots & have many successes!! ANYHOOOO --- you spend the morning training the dolly as the book states(running to the potty when you have to go {at the beginning you pretend "if you have to go potty and we're in the kitchen... what do we do?" then take her hand & run to the bathroom - they think it's such a fun game! LOL, checking to see if dolly's panties are dry - getting a little treat if they are....). Then in the afternoon you switch it around and show the dolly how you can go on the potty. Check your library for the book. I've lent mine out so many times and didn't get it back the last time :(... email me if you can't find it and I'll hunt it out for you on Amazon or something.
Good luck! ;)
Jennifer Gray
Love the layouts and good luck with potty training. We just were talking about it this weekend with Cody's sister and she said she had her kids throw out the diapers so they knew they were gone and then only used pull ups at night. She said she lets the eat salt and vinager chips to make them really thirsty and then lets them drink as much as they want...and has them sit on the toilet until they pee. She'll read books with them and stuff, but she had her kids potty trained within 2 days. Good luck! Hope everyone's advice helps.
Beautiful layout! I'm actually in the same stage as you regarding the potty training (Dora panties and all!) so I have no advice to offer at this point!
Talia- Being the creative mama that you are, have missy girl help you make an awesome potty chart with glitter and stickers etc. My emily loved doing this because she watched me scrap all the time. Then each time Payton goes she gets to add a sticker to the chart. We did one sticker for Potty and two stickers for the other. We put the chart right in her bathroom. It totally worked for us. These little girlies are soo smart and they totally get into the sticker thing.
Hi Talia,
I posted a comment but I guess it didn't go through so I will try again. Sorry if you get two posts from me! :)
We just potty trained our dd who just turned 3. She wore her panties around the house and I would take have her sit on the potty every 20-30 minutes. I would give her a piece of candy whether she went or not. After about 4 days of consistently doing this, we ventured out to the store with her wearing panties. I took her to the bathroom at the store right when we got there so she knew there were potties other places than just at home.
The biggest problem we had was getting her to go #2 in the potty. She had one corner in her room where she always did her "business" so when we could tell she needed to go, we put towels down and then we put her potty in her spot. She started going in the potty and after about a week, we left the potty in the bathroom and she started going in there.
Good luck. It's a little tiring and frustraing at times, but totally worth it when you are done!
Hey Tal,
To each his own on the potty thing, but one trick that worked for me that was passed to me by friends was to let them run around without any bottoms on. This of course means that for a couple of days you are home bound, and you will probably have some accidents on the floor but for some reason it has worked for us. Pacey and Sydney both have done it that way but I have also let them let me know when they were ready to potty train so I wasn't really forcing anything that they didn't want to do or weren't interested in doing. It does help to give a little motivation in the form of treats or presents. I just found that with no pants or underwear on they realized what they were doing when they had an accident and then they wanted to use the potty. I don't know if I am really explaining it very well. Hopefully you will find something that works and just try not to get too stressed out about it. It will happen.
if you get it all figured out fill me in ok?? We were doing the EXACT same thing today....only we had the Diego 'unnerwears' on and let me tell ya....it did not go well.
good luck!! we are in potty training mode with our 2 year old. i am racking my brain trying to think of all things that work.
love the layouts!! keep up the good work!
good luck with the potty training, using a reward is a really good idea, so they feel like they are getting something out of it. I know how you feel .... you just got over the whole nappy thing. may the force be with you - LOL!
p.s. love your Y2R lo .. i am still getting mine finished
Hi Talia Good luck with the potty training - I had two totally different experiences with my girls. The eldest was very stubborn and nothing would tempt her - looking back I'm not sure how we finally managed it but we did. Our youngest was a breeze - no stickers, no treats just happy to go to the toilet and after 7-10 days decided she didn't want a night nappy either! So my best advice is to try a few of everyone's ideas and see what works. I did find using the oven timer or my watch's hourly beep a good reminder for us both to see if they wanted to go to the toilet - often you get busy and remember when it's too late!! Good luck and love your new layouts. Angela (NZ)
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