This weekend was soooo much fun. I was teaching at the Urban Convention and it was such an awesome experiance. I honestly don't even know where to begin! Maybe I'll just start by saying "thank you" to Pat and Lori for inviting me to teach. I had an amazing time and am honored that I was a part of the weekend!!
I wanted to share the project that I taught. I designed this little "photo garland"...the idea is that you can hang it in your home or fold it up accordian-style if you want to use it as a mini-book. The response to my class was great...everyone seemed to like it and I think they enjoyed that they just got to work at their own pace. I have to say, I was very stressed out about designing a project that I would be teaching to 120 people....I was very worried that not everyone would like it, this was a challenge for me! But like I said, the response was very positive from everyone.

So thank you to everyone that took my class!! I loved walking around the room as people were working to see how they scrapbooked, what pictures they had and to just visit! Women are so was fun to be at an event where age didn't matter...we were all there for the same thing.
One of the highlights of the weekend for EVERYONE was Stacy Julian. This woman is so full of life, so fun, so real, so inspirational. She is an amazing speaker and teacher....she has so many awesome ideas and insights...I now have about 10 projects that I want to start because of her (as if I don't have enough on the go already!). One thing I did want to share was though was this online class of Stacy''s called "Glimpses" and it was inspired by a book that Marjorie Hinckley wrote. Go and download it's only like, $10 and will be totally worth it. On Saturday night there was a "Glimpses" reception and it was so neat to see some of the albums that people had already finished and to hear little "glimpses" about them...loved it. So here is Stacy and I (both exhausted after a full day, but still happy!!).

Oh, and here is a photo of Stacy's "pretty salad" thing she encouraged us to do in her "Scrap Happy" talk was to take more pictures of "stuff"....whether it's scenery, or food or whatever...just more pictures of things we think are beautiful. This is picture she snapped with my camera of her salad at dinner!

And last but not least, this me and Kayce Rehn. Kayce is so awesome...I was so glad to meet her. Kim and I sat and talked with her on Saturday afternoon and she is so fun. She works with Stacy at Big Picture and is just totally sweet...I love making new friends. So Kayce, just gimme a call when you're ready to come shopping, Kim and I can't wait!!!

So now it is Monday, almost 2pm and I'm just enjoying my girls and enjoying not having to be anywhere at a certain time. (did I mention I slept in both Saturday AND Sunday??? Oy. Luckily I still made it in time to teach both mornings. I'm not used to a schedule!) Graham was the best daddy this weekend...he got the girls packed up and went to visit his parents on Saturday and then got them all ready for church on Sunday...he even had Payton's hair in a ponytail with a flower clip!! That's my man. Love you, babe, thanks for holding the fort down. So I am still pretty tired, but still re-living the weekend in my head. Hope everyone else had a good weekend, and I'll be back soon to share pictures of Gabby swimming and of our little "party" last week!!
Talia, Your class project is adorable! I just love it! Thanks for sharing.
Love the project you did, such a great idea. I may have to use that idea for Mother's Day!
I didn't even see your super cute project or get to say goodbye! I definitely want instructions - such a great idea! Kim has my e-mail address - when you get a minute, will you drop me an e-mail?
I am so glad we got to hang out a little bit, and your girls are so cute!
So glad your class was fun, and you got to meet the spectacular Stacey. So jealous. Oh well, by way of the 6 degrees of seperation I almost know her too.!! :) Great Job with your mini book/garland.
Your class was so good Tal! And I love the project. So glad it was a good weekend for you!
Hi Talia...
I've linked to your blog from scrapbooker online - I love this idea and your examples are beautiful! Very inspirational...
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