Monday, November 16, 2009

Giveaway Time!

I'm doing a little giveaway over at my photography blog, so if you're local (or somewhat local!) you might want to check that out!

Thank you so much for all of the positive feedback on my photography stuff. I am excited to get going, and just excited to be doing something new and fun. Life is good!

And on another note, I made some super-cute beaded necklaces for my girls this weekend. I was totally inspired by these necklaces on Becky's blog, and these cute ones on Maggie's blog, that I just HAD to have some for my girls.

I don't know about any of you, the bead section in Michael's is the one aisle that I always look, but never buy. For me, it just comes down to "how many hobbies can 1 person have?" I'm just the kind of person that when I get going on something I become totally obsessed, so it's for this reason that I've always avoided beads. Because I know that they are just too fun and too cute and once I start I won't be able to stop! Haha! So anyways, I bought just enough to make a couple necklaces for my girls and that was it. We had fun making them, and they look so darn cute!!

I actually ended up getting my beads at Claire's...Michael's didn't have what I was looking for, so I bought these cheap, colorful bracelets for only $4 each, took 'em apart, and used the beads for their necklaces. It ended up being cheaper than if I would have bought just the beads on their own.

Okay, so there you go. A giveaway and beaded cuteness. Happy Monday!!



Kim said...

Cute cute! I bet the girls are just loving them. Remember the days when we were obsessed with beads?? haha!!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute!!! You should start selling these!! I would love to buy one of these for my little girl Gaby (who is 2!!). If you want to sell any please let me know :)


jill marie barrett said...

so cute!! how did you finish off the beads when connecting to the chain? if you don't sell them, you should do a video showing how you made them. again, too cute!