Monday, February 08, 2010

the big 3-0!

Yes, yes, today marked a milestone event in my lil' ol' 30th birthday. Holy cow.

In some ways I was dreading this day...just feeling old, and it's weird to be out of my twenties! But at the same time, I am totally ready to embrace my 30's and all that life has to offer. I have been told by many that "30 is the 20" so that is the mantra I'm going with! My 20's were just so full...and in many ways I feel like they defined me as a person and truly made me who I am today. I worked professionally as a dancer, I travelled, I got married, I worked, we became home-owners, I had 3 has been a busy decade! On top of that I feel like my faith and beliefs in the gospel have grown from simply a way of life to my true purpose and meaning in this life. When I think of who I was at 20, and who I am today, I just feel like I have learned so many life lessons.

Life is good.

I have a crazy awesome wonderful man who I am lucky to call my husband. He knows me inside and out, we been through thick and thin, and he loves and supports me no matter what. I love where we are today...just the best of friends, going through this crazy life together. Oh, and he bought me these awesome boots and flowers, too. (thanks, babe!)

I have 3 perfect little angels who I am lucky to call my daughters. They truly are my everything. I can't imagine my life without them...they have taught me what selflessness is, and what and who is important in this life. Couldn't. live. without. them. Actually, it was funny, today Payton asked me, "Mommy, do all girls have to be mommies when they grow up?" I replied, "Well, no sweetie, not all girls have to be mommies, but wouldn't life be boring without'cha?" To that, Payton giggled, but in all seriousness, my daughters have just enriched my life to such a degree...they have taught me so much and brought me so much happiness, I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I just feel like one lucky gal today. Thank you soooooo much to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday today! I never really think of my birthday as that big of a deal, but I was just so touched by all the phone messages, facebook messages, calls, and people who stopped by today...I just truly feel loved! One lady from church left me a message that had me in giggles and tears, it was so sweet. My BFF's took me for dinner on the weekend, my parents watched my kids tonight so Gray and I could go out, my friend dropped off a fabulous cupcake tonight, I'm going out with my sis tomorrow, my girls have been saying "Happy Birthday" since have been spoiled. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

So bein' 30? Ah...I suppose it's not that bad. In fact, I plan on making this my best decade yet.



Unknown said...

You are one gorgeous gal! Happy Birthday!

niki said...

happy birthday my sweet lil' sis!!! i love you ;)

s a n s k u :) said...

i remember that turning 30 was really hard for me. until i did. then i realized it's still the same "old" :) me. it's all good. getting older etc. the way it's supposed to be.

beautiful pictures. nice boots. beautiful you. happy birthday again.

Treasured Memories said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALIA!!! I hope you had a GREAT day and are looking forward to many amazing years to come, you are so fabulous and deserve the world.

Lindsay Bateman said...

Simply Gorgeous.

Loved your entire post.
Gave me goose bumps.

Life IS wonderful.

Happy birthday to you...and wishing you another AMAZING decade to enjoy!

p.s. don't forget to scrapbook it!

Happy Happy Day to you!

jessica said...

You are going to rock the 30's! you are awesome! happy happy day!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Talia! Love the boots!


Anonymous said...

see? what did i tell do make 30 look good!
xo, jodes

alicia.king said...

happy birthday! love the boots too!

lindsey loo said...

happy birthday cute girl!!!!
{im actually looking forward to 30}

Susanne said...

please tell us what kind of boots those are and where you got them! they're gorgeous!

Devonne said...

Happy Birthday! Beautiful Pics! I have loved my 30's. Way more than my 20's and as I approach 40's I am sure I will love them too!

chanel said...

happy birthday gorgeous girl ....

Amelia said...

A little late, but happy belated birthday!

Starr Mercer said...

Happy Birthday!

Stephanie said...

Any chance you'd share where you got those fabulous boots?! It is my birthday tomorrow and I'd love to give myself those as a present! Thanks! Stephanie