Oh, man...I really hate getting so behind on my blog!! The past few weeks have just been so full that I haven't had much time to do any catching up. So I'm here now, ready to do a little catchin' up.
Christmas was busy and wonderful. Crew was adorable on his very first Christmas, and his big sisters couldn't get enough of his cuteness...neither could mommy and daddy! We spent time with both of our family's, and did lots of eating, visiting and playing...it was perfect! The holidays were spent skating, skiing, playing with cousins, going to movies, sleeping in, being lazy, shopping, going out to eat, visiting with freinds and playing some more. Graham spent a day snowboarding in the mountains, and I spent a day shopping all by myself, so we all had our own fun! Most importantly we were so happy to celebrate our Savior's birth as a little family. I love Christmastime so much...it's always a little sad once all the fun and celebrating is over. But we had such a nice break from the daily routine as a family, and we absolutely felt renewed and ready to go for the new year.
Speaking of the new year...Happy 2012!! I always love this time of year to start fresh and reflect on the past year and plan for the upcoming one...I managed to finish my photo-a-day for 2011 and I've been having soooo much fun filling my Project Life album with photos and memories from the past year. I will absolutely share photos of my finished album when I'm all done, I'm still working on all my journaling. But I love it.
And yes, I will definitely be doing my photo-a-day project for 2012!! I've already been taking my daily photos, and I'll let you all know as soon as I have my new blog up and running. Stay tuned for that!! (and just a note...I thought it would be fun to have a list of other photo-a-day blogs in my sidebar for quick access and inspiration...so if you have a 365 blog that you'd like to share with everyone, send me your name and link to your blog!)
Crew is now 8 months old and I have lots of new pictures to share of him...but I'll save that for another post. I also have a fun, pinterest-inspired DIY project to share, so that will be coming soon, too!
Thanks for popping in to my little blog. I know that I've really fallen off the bloggin-train...I used to be dedicated and good and my life has just been turned upside-down by all my kids! Hee hee...in a good way, of course. I try to tell myself that my time will come again when I am more free and able to create and share...until then, I just do what I can do! That's what I love about taking my daily photos...I feel like by sharing our daily life I'm in a way, letting you all know what we're up to. With the new year, I was thinking of goals and resolutions...and to be honest, the one thought that kept coming to me (and is actually quite fitting for me at this point in my life) is letting go. Letting go of ridiculous expectations that I set for myself. Letting go of expectations that I think others have of me. Letting go of the idea that my house needs to be perfect and clean all the time. Letting go of the idea that I can do it all. And instead...just focusing on being here. Being here for my kids. My family. My friends. Myself. I just want to be better at enjoying the moment, and not worrying about all the other things that will inevitably always be there!! So how's that for a resolution?? (heehee)
Okay, so for reals, I will be back soon. Thanks for playing catch-up with me.
love it Talia! :) so excited you'll be linking up in 2012!! yay!! sounds like you had a great Christmas...happy {belated} new year!! :)
Another awesome blog... Happy New Year... I always enjoy your blogs...and think your resolution of letting go is a very good one!
Take care keep doing what you are doing... because it is working very well for you and your sweet little family!
my name is heidi, I love your blogs, you inspire me so much. I'd love to link up.
ummm...you've had 4 kids four 8 months and you're only now deciding it's okay if your house isn't perfect?! you're my hero. i discovered that 2 kids ago! haha.
it's so true though, just be here and now for your family. everything else doesn't really matter, or at least doesn't deserve the importance we usually give it.
hugs to you all. xo, jodes
he's so big!
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