So maybe you've noticed that I've switched all the pink on my blog to red....I went to H&M earlier this week (it just opened...yay!!!) and I was totally diggin' all the red, black and white that I was seeing in the clothing and accessories. So I decided to give the ol' blog a new look. But....I'm still a pink don't be surprised if I go back to the pink in a week or so! But for now, I'm feelin' the red!!
Things over at the Goodie Box are going is so inspiring to see everyone's layouts and just so awesome to see people playing along! If you haven't yet done a layout but want to, you still have a week. Let's see some more!!
Oh, I also wanted to mention something kinda exciting for me...on April 27th, 28th and 29th I will be teaching a class at the Urban Scrapbook Convention here in Edmonton. I went to the convention as a student last year and had lots of I was very excited when I was asked to teach at it this year. I'll be teaching a class sponsored by Chatterbox...the gal from Chatterbox who was originally supposed to teach the class for whatever reason couldn't make it last minute, so I was asked by the ladies at Urban if I'd be interested in doing it...of course I said yes! The project is super-cute that I'll be teaching, so hopefully I'll see some of you there! It should be an awesome event...the one and only Stacy Julian will be there as well as Melissa Chapman, and I'm very pumped. And Kim is the photographer for the weekend, too! So it should be fun, and I'll definately share the project with you all after the event.
And last but not least, here are a couple pictures of Payton on Easter morning...she was so cute all dressed up in her Easter dress (my husband doesn't understand why the girls get "special dresses" for Easter and Christmas....I've told him to just deal with it, that's the way it's gonna be for a long time! haha!!) Gabby had a matching dress on but I had a hard time getting pictures that morning, so oh, can't get 'em all!!
Have a fun weekend everyone!!

Love the red! Very fun!
Wow, I am so out of it. I knew Calgary was getting an H&M, but I didn't know we had one here! Too fun. I knew there was a reason I haven't spent my West Ed gift cards from Christmas yet...besides the basic fact that I never go shopping. Now I have a reason to. So fun that you are teaching a class at the convention. I think you'll be a fabulous teacher for something like that. Fun to have something to look forward to. Payton looks adorable in her easter dress, btw. Oh and I hear you about the husband's not understanding dress things. At work when we had christmas parties or whatever, Ryan never understood why I didn't want to just wear the same thing that I wore to work that day. Why did I need a whole "special" outfit. Men...they are a different species! Good thing they are so cute or we just wouldn't bother with them! ha ha
Hi there. Just came across your blog. I thought Edmonton already had every store possible and now you get the cool H&M store. Lucky you! Love the photos of your gorgeous girl at Easter. Will be adding your blog to my favourites so I can check up on what's happening your way!
awww...look at cutie little Payters! give her a hug for me!!
wuv, niti
Love the red on your blog. Payton looks so cute in her easter dress, and look at all that candy! Good luck teaching at the convention, I wished I lived in Canada so I could come take your class! :)
She is so sweet in her Easter dress. I'm loving the fact that I've got 2 little girlies to buy holiday dresses for! And hope you have tons of fun teaching!
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