As many of you may know from my little "project 365" button in my sidebar, I have jumped on the photo-a-day bandwagon for 2010 and I am absolutely loving it. There is something about capturing all of these little moments in our life that is just making me so happy and so excited.
Since having Kherington, I have to admit, keeping up with my scrapbooking has been next to impossible. I miss being able to sit down and create and play and most importantly, record and document our memories. Taking a photo everyday has helped me to still do something when it comes to my families memories. Instead of just giving up altogether, at least I can say that at the end of the year, I'll have 365 pictures that tell our family's story. I've already captured so many moments that would have been missed and forgotten if it wasn't for this project 365 exercise. Like this one. And this one. Oh, and this one, too.
My main worry about committing to a photo a day was probably the same as everyone else's..."Will I actually be able to keep up with taking pictures every single day of the year?" You know what, at first, I definitely found it difficult, and I found that I constantly had to be reminding myself to take a picture. Now, it has become a habit, and a normal part of our everyday. I got a new little point and shoot for Christmas that is super small and easy to carry around in my purse with me so I'm not always having to lug around my good camera. It's easy to grab at a moments notice to snap pictures here and there. I am loving finding new things to document, as well as the practice taking pictures everyday is giving me with my photography skills. I guess you could say it is a creative outlet for me that is just plain do-able in my life right now.
And I have I missed a day yet? Sure. Here and there. But you know what? It doesn't matter. Most days I take a handful of pictures anyways so I can just pop those in if I happened to miss a day. What matters is that I'm telling our story, not that a certain photo wasn't actually taken on that certain day. Or that each photo is perfect. I'm just trying to capture our life as it happens. So it's all good.
And you know what makes me most happy? When we all crowd around the computer after I've posted a bunch of new pictures and laugh and talk about all the things we've been up to or how cute the girls are. Last night Graham was taking a look and just laughed and laughed when he came to this picture 'cause it is just so Gabby. So taking these pictures and posting them on my little blog has been worth it.
Have fun lookin' around.
I'm loving your pictures. I have abandoned scrapbooking, so my blog is all I've got:)
Your girls are adorable!
Very fun! It's especially great considering how quickly these little kiddies change.
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